Sunday 11 December 2011

Planning underway

Ann and myself met up with Andy and Donna last night - a few ales at the pub were enjoyed.  And therein lies the problem - ales were only enjoyed by myself - everyone else was on the soft drinks.  Andy was out for another run in the morning.  When I say run , I mean gruelling race up over the steep slopes of Kelston and Landsdown.

It was when he said that he had already been out that same day for a run and a forty mile bike ride, before breakfast, that I realised I'm in even more trouble. 

The forty miles were completed in about 1 hour 45 mins he said, meaning an average speed of about 23 mph.  I think I got up to those dizzy speeds once before when descending Togg hill with a good tail wind. 

I have a cunning plan though - a shepherds crook.  On the ride, I will definitely be slipstreaming Andy - hanging onto his seatpost with the crook.  All of a sudden I feel more confident.  Perhaps time to crack open another bevvy then ;o)