Tuesday 14 February 2012

Parkinson's Charity Page up and operational

When Andy and myself first talked about making this trip, gaining sponsorship for a charity was not even considered.  We were doing it just for a jolly.  However virtually everyone who you mention the trip to has a standard initial response of "are you doing it for charity"?

It seems that everyone who does an adventure nowadays is socially obliged to to it for charity.  So it got me thinking - WHY NOT?  Whilst it's not the main purpose of the trip, if people are able to delve into their pockets and donate a little, then we would be doing our bit for the greater good.

Choosing a charity for our cycle ride was not difficult for either Andy or myself. My dad Ed, was diagnosed with Parkinson's just under 2 years ago, and now has a regular intake of tablets which go some way to helping control the condition. Andy's dad Reggie was also a sufferer of the condition for 20 years prior to his death in 2007.

So with all that in mind, here's a link to the Just Giving page we've set up for this trip.  The money goes direct to the charity and not to our cycling beer fund !!!!


So if you're an armchair cyclist, wondering how saddle sore we will be cycling over 1000 miles, you can be rest assured that the more we raise, the more the pain will seem worthwhile.

Donations to our beer fund in addition are of course always welcome, irrespective of whether we are on an adventure or not !!

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