Saturday 7 April 2012

Its a bit lumpy

Lumpy is how Andy describes the last couple of days. I would use a few choice expletives to reflect upon the relentless onslaught of steep hill after steep hill. The first day went well, avoiding the main A30, we took a circuitous route via Penzance, and St Austel, finishing up in Lanlivery and a lovely little campsite costing just £6 for the pair of us. No phone signal though, hence no blog update. Finished the day with a cracking meal of steak and pasta.

Waking to a drizzly morning, we packed up and set off on day two. Equally as punishing on the legs as Hill appeared after hill. Halfway through the day, I was burnt out. Completely sapped, and even the slightest incline had me beat. It was becoming clear the our calorie intake was still lacking after yesterday, despite the huge meal. After tucking into provisions, we pushed on, me still a little sluggish. Even Andy admitted that he was feeling a lack of his usual vigour. This made me feel better that the physical machine that he is also was feeling the pressure.

It is at this point, I must point out, that I have so far been solely responsible for navigating us this far. Andy was insistent from, well about lands end, that I should map read from the front and he would follow. He has of course been about 3 inches off my back wheel all the way drafting in my slipstream like the most cunning of foxes. When we stopped for supplies tonight, I bought us a pasty each, along with a bottle of coke, telling him it would see us through until later. Pasties and coke I have found do generate a significant amount of - hmmm - fart power. Finally he was no longer tucked into my slipstream, and has learnt a lesson. My turn to draft tomorrow !!!!!!

So two days down, about 135 miles done, climbed the equivalent of cycling to the top of Everest 5 times, and Andy still hasn't paused for breath from chatting.

Loving every minute of it :-)

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