Friday 2 March 2012

About Time !!!!

I finally managed to get out on the bike today for the first time in 2 weeks - I really can't believe it was that long and that I'd only done an hour on the indoor trainer in between - and that was 10 day ago!!!!

I do have a sort of excuse, in that I had been ill last week with a hemorrhagic fever akin to Ebola.  Well OK it was man flu, but it did knock the energy out of me.  And then, Ann and myself were off to Glencoe for 4 days and the rest of the time I have been working, so this was the first opportunity to get out.

When I set off, a heavy dew still encrusted the lawn, and whilst there was still a little chill in the air, it was probably the warmest day so far that I had been out on the bike.  The sun was out and I felt good.  As soon as I dropped down onto the waterfront, I could see the Haar running up the length of the Forth.  For all you southerners unfamiliar with the term Haar, it's what the Scots call the sea fog that hangs like a thick blanket around the coast, and prior to moving up here, is something I'd never seen before.  Here's a few shots along the coast and over the Forth road bridge.

So my route plan for today was a big ride, from home here on the north shore of Edinburgh, out to South Queensferry, over the Bridge, past Rosyth and follow the Forth up to the Kincardine Bridge, cross back over the Forth and head back home through Grangemouth and Boness.  So all in all today, a satisfying 57 miles. 

As I sit here now - I do feel a little weary, and even though I was taking it a little easier today, the cycling time was about 4 and a half hours, which engenders a little more confidence that when doing the daily distances, it will be only about another hour in the saddle.

Speaking of saddles, I have just remembered that I hadn't previously posted about the new leather Brooks saddle that I bought for the bike.  My old saddle had been really great and comfortable for many years, but ever since a minor escapade when I fell off the bike in the ice, and the saddle popped off the rails, it's never been the same.  In choosing a replacement, I sought advice from the websites of the long distance tourers out there.  It seems that by far and away the favourite was the Brooks B17 leather saddle.  The advice came with the caveat, that they need to be broken in before the leather molds itself to the contours of your arse.  I guess I've only done a couple of hundred miles on the saddle so far, but I can report that so far, the saddle and my arse are still different shapes and comfort factor is still very low !!!!!  I am really hoping things improve before starting the tour.  Either that, or I hope Andy is brushing up on his massage technique ;o)

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